Psychometric Test

Psychometric Test

What are Psychometric Tests?

Psychometric tests are used to objectively measure an individual’s personality traits, aptitude, intelligence, abilities and behavioral style. Psychometric assessments are widely used in career guidance and employment to match a person’s abilities and personality to a suitable career or role.

Psychometric Tests = Personality Tests + Aptitude Tests

How to pass an Psychometric test

· Lots of practice – the test will probably be online so get used to working on a screen. As well as giving you a feel for the questions, practicing will also highlight any gaps in your knowledge.

· Have the right equipment – you should take a few pens, rough paper, a calculator (you won’t be able to use your phone in most cases), a watch and a dictionary. The employer may insist that you use their equipment but it’s better to arrive prepared. Make sure you’ve practiced with these tools, as the more familiar you are the quicker you’ll start working and the more you’ll get done.

· Read the instructions – before you start make sure you understand what you’re being asked to do and how long you’ve got to do it. Double check any graphs, tables or images to ensure that you haven’t missed anything and know what they’re showing.

· Be aware of the time – make sure you know how long you’ve got for the overall test and each question. If you get stuck on a question just move on and come back as some questions can take longer than others.

Numerical reasoning

These tests assess your interpretation of charts, graphs, data or statistics, investigating your ability to deal with numbers quickly and accurately. Numerical reasoning tests may also challenge your knowledge of rates, trends, ratios, percentages and currency conversions.

Verbal reasoning

Your understanding of written information, evaluation of arguments, and communication of concepts is being tested here. You must read short passages of text before answering questions that assess your comprehension. Verbal psychometric tests challenge your ability to think constructively and use written information to construct accurate conclusions. Some tests also assess your spelling and grammar.

Abstract reasoning

This is your chance to demonstrate your ability to learn new things quickly. Abstract reasoning tests measure your ability to identify a set of rules and apply them to a new situation, judging how well you follow information or spot patterns. Questions often consist of a series of pictures, each of which is slightly different. You must then choose another picture from a number of options to complete the series. These aptitude tests are particularly common for IT, science and engineering roles

Situational judgments

You’ll be given a hypothetical work-related situation and asked to choose a preferred course of action from a list of options. You may be asked to choose the most and least effective response, rate the responses in order of effectiveness or choose only the most effective course of action, so make sure you read the instructions carefully.

Error checking

Data checking tests measure how quickly and accurately you can detect errors. They’re common for clerical and data input vacancies. Fault-diagnosis tests, meanwhile, test your ability to approach problems logically. This method of psychometric assessment is often used to recruit for technical roles, discovering and repairing faults in electronic and mechanical systems.

Why Mpower Placement Test

We offer new perspectives on identifying potentials

Empowering talent

Our philosophy, our values and our expertise focus on people, on their individual potential and their synergy.

We provide companies and individuals with the best assessment solutions to help them reveal and fully develop their potential. We share a vision, inspire, empower, foster innovation and collaboration, encourage initiative, and help people become the best version of themselves.

The 5 reasons to choose us


In the creation of unique talent assessment tools

For 20 years, Central Test has been an end-to-end expert in the creation and validation of its assessments. We sharping our tools by improving evaluation in line with our clients’ needs, by using innovative methods and respecting the strictest rules in psychometry and data security.

We offer the most comprehensive talent assessment offer on the market, with tools adapted to every type of profile, HR challenge and the organisation.


Which combines the latest methods with psychometric reliability

We design our solutions in-house and continuously improve them using advanced technologies and proven scientific methods. Each psychometric test is subject to several years of research and meets the most rigorous validation standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Society (BPS), the European Federation of Psychologists Association (EFPA) and the International Commission. Tests (ITC).


For a finer and complete analysis of potentials

Our unique approach to talent assessment offers you a complete overview of people’s potential and a precise match with the job positions and required skills.

Our predictive matching solution provides you with reliable and objective data that gives you strong insights into talents and potential, helping you make the right decisions in recruitment and talent development.


With cutting-edge, secure and easily integrated technology

Our online assessment platform allows you to manage your assessment processes from A to Z. Our various customisation and matching features help you maximise your time and gain objectivity and performance.

You will also benefit from the latest developments related to specific trends in HR needs: video interview, multi-lingual and multi-cultural adaptations, web services, ATS integration.


Based on the expertise and know-how of our consultants

Our teams of psychologists will support you with proven methodologies. Supported by unwavering respect for ethical rules, while guaranteeing you high-quality services and solutions.

Our support procedures, standard or tailor-made, offer you an engaging and enriching experience, with modern training programs, allowing you to have all the keys to make the right HR decisions.



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