• Academic Level Master’s Degree
  • Age 53 - 57 Years
  • Salary 3868
  • Gender Male
  • Industry Banking
  • Viewed 131
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About me

Dedicated and dynamic management personnel with four-year graduation in Agriculture from India & MBA in Banking & Finance from University of Wales, Bangor, UK, with vast experience of more than two and a half decades at managerial/senior position in banking industry, with strong skills in Board Management, Executive Management, Risk Management, Operations Management, Retail and Corporate Credit, Business Development, CRM, Compliance, HR, Treasury, Finance, IT and MIS and effective leadership qualities to run a big team. At present working as. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER with Papua Finance Limited, PNG. Previously worked as Executive Director with ABC Capital Bank, Uganda. Acted as MD in Uganda and Tanzania. Previously handled the entire operations of Azizi bank as COO, the largest private Sector Bank in Afghanistan. Handled the entire operations and management of all the upcountry branches of Exim Bank T Ltd in Tanzania. Had been a member in devising policies of the bank. Had been a member of all committees in the corporate office.

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  • 2007 - 2008
    University of Wales, Bangor


    MBA in Banking & Finance (University of Wales, Bangor UK) 2007-2008 Secured a distinction and topped the university being awarded the best thesis for the year 2008. Resigned the job after getting a campus placement after my MBA in University of Wales, Bangor, UK. Joined Exim Bank Tanzania limited as Head of Northern region (all upcountry branches in 13 states of the country)

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  • 2022 - Present


    • CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER with Papua Finance Limited, Port Moresby- PNG from 9th Jan 2022 (A finance company with a banking Licence in the process of getting converted to a bank) Member of the board

    a) The CEO is accountable to the Board for the achievement for the Company’s goals and for the observance of the management authorities.
    b) The CEO shall be the head of the Management of the Company and the Company and in the capacity in answerable to the Board.
    The key roles of the Chief Executive Officer amongst others, includes:
    i. Developing the strategic direction of the Company by managing the risks;
    ii. Ensuring that the company’s strategies and policies are effectively implemented;
    iii. Ensuring that Board decisions are implemented and Board directions are adhered to;
    iv. Providing directions to implementation of short- and long-term business plans;
    v. Providing strong leadership i.e., effectively communicating a vision, management philosophy and business strategy to the employees;
    vi. Keeping Board fully informed of all important aspects of the Company’s operations and ensuring sufficient is distributed to the Board Members;
    vii. Ensuring high performance and productivity to top management staff by creating conditions for top management motivation, performance management and professional development;
    viii. Ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations by reviewing policies and monitoring compliance;
    ix. Ensuring the day-to-day business affairs of the Company is effectively managed.
    Management Authorities
    • The CEO is expected to act within all specific authorities delegated to him by the Board
    • The assets of the Company are expected to be adequately maintained and protected, and not unnecessarily placed at risks.
    • The CEO shall within the specific authorities delegated to him by the Board established a Management Committee and Risks Management Committee comprising certain management staff who shall be responsible, within the limits of the authority determined and powers delegated by the Board of Directors from time to time.

  • 2019 - 2021


    EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR with ABC Capital Bank, Uganda from 2nd August 2019 to Dec 2021- Member of the Board

    Executive Management Roles: – JD
    a) Guide the management team (who report directly to the position) to ensure that the Bank’s activities are accordingly planned and directed to achieve affirmed targets and standards for financial performance, quality, culture and legislative adherence.
    b) Implement effectively the business strategy so as to ensure that the Bank is run on sound commercial and professional principles and that it’s defined corporate objectives are pursued.
    c) Assist the Chief Executive Officer and be accountable for achieving the strategic objectives and the growth profitability, and other objectives set in the annual business plan.
    d) Contribute to the developments of short, medium and long-term strategies, action plans and targets in line with the defined vision, mission and objectives of the Bank.
    e) Review the bank’s financial viability and cost structure are regularly analyzed and appropriate measures are undertaken to monitor and control costs.
    f) Assist the Chief Executive Officer in ensuring that credit, risk, ALCO and Remuneration Committee meetings are convened regularly and functions effectively.
    g) Monitor and review of the Bank’s competitive environment is made and take appropriate measures to increase the market share.
    h) In consultation with the Chief Executive Officer ensure compliance to the strategic human resources policies and developed and implemented in line with objectives of the Bank.
    i) Manage the risks attach to the Bank’s activities, including investment, loans, overdrafts; interbank activities are regularly and properly evaluated, monitored and adequately secured.
    j) Ensure that all the Bank’s assets are properly utilized and safe guarded
    k) Ensure compliance to the Central Bank requirements
    l) Review and ensure that organizational culture is maintained and developed, including its values, the reputation in the market while taking into account the various stakeholders.
    m) Support the Chief Executive Officer in overall planning and implementation.
    Business Development
    Marketing & Corporate Sales: –
    Support Treasury Business: –
    Support General Operations and Administration: –
    Support ICT function: –

  • 2017 - 2019


    CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, Azizi Bank, Kabul, Afghanistan since 3rd Jan 2017 to 12th July 2018

    Headed the entire operations of the bank at the corporate office. Permanent Board of Management Member, and represent the bank in the media and other banking forums. Does training for the senior level employees of the bank. Chairman of the Steering Committee for the migration in to Flex cube platform. Acts as Secretary to the Board of Supervisors in the absence of the regular secretary. After my joining the bank the deposits of the bank have grown from USD 307m to USD 447m in 12 months’ time. Had been instrumental in bringing down the NPA from 26% to less than 3% by aggressive recovery steps.
    Member of the following committees which meets on a monthly basis since the date of joining the bank
    Credit Committee
    Investment Committee
    ALCO Committee
    Risk Management Committee
    Audit Committee (Invitee Member)
    Operational Risk Management Committee
    Credit Risk Management Committee
    Compliance Committee
    Customer Grievance Committee
    Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
    HR Committee
    Disciplinary Committee

    Member of the core committee of Members of the Board of Management, mainly focussed on strategic positioning of the bank. The BOM and the Board of supervisors meet once in a month as per the regulatory requirement. Have been an active participant in the decision making of strategic positioning, business and internal control of the bank, The Restructuring of the credit department based on international standards was done by me.

    Actively taken part in the revision of all the policies of the bank.

  • 2015 - 2016


    DIRECTOR. JRK Health Care Private Limited, KERALA since 1st April 2015 to 31st Dec 2016
    Heading the entire Administration, operations and Financial Management of the organisation. Director and CFO of the company. Takes care of the entire banking and finance requirements of the company from scratch.

  • 2009 - 2013


    HEAD OF OPERATIONS & HEAD OF REGION, Exim Bank (T) Ltd (5th largest bank in Tanzania in asset size) resigned 19th Jan 09 to 15th Nov 2013

    HOO & Head of Region (Northern region), Senior Management Scale reporting to CEO, Acted as CEO
    Team leader for updating of all the policies of the bank; Assisting the CEO in the day to day operations and administration and providing feedback to the Board of Directors. Headed the entire Northern region of the bank with twelve states and Zanzibar comprising of 16 branches out of 25 branches of the bank. to the portfolio.

    Was recruited and posted to Exim Bank with a view to improve the business position under all parameters for the Up-country regions. When I joined, the business was not explored to the market potential and the upkeep of the branches were not up to the level. My focus from day one was to meet the existing clientele and also prospective businesses. It was done in a phased manner and it had shown the results in quick time. Frequent customer meets were arranged at regular intervals and to follow up with the customers persistently to ensure that the existing customers were retained and new ones on boarded. In fact I had been successful in onboarding almost all corporate customers to our fold in the 5 years I stayed with Exim bank and the promoters were quite satisfied with it. Special focus was given to onboarding retail customers as well through establishing an effective marketing and sales team consisting of DSAs (Direct selling agents).
    As mentioned earlier, knack of building and maintaining solid relationships, a very realistic optimism at extreme pressure and ability to draw people together around an issue, engaging them, and getting the best results through others were my strong points to achieve the desired goals and I had been quite successful in this throughout my career.
    Tanzania was basically a consumer market and lots of commodities used to get imported to country. The mainstay indigenous business of Tanzania was winged around tourism, mining, trading, and agriculture and to some extend manufacturing. Hence my focus was to concentrate on these vital segments to garner business. Major focus was attached to safari companies, logistics and mining to capture clientele under both liabilities and assets side. But at the same time any opportunity coming through by way of other segments, I never used to miss out.
    We were holding the accounts of most of the companies under the above segments as our corporate clients with deposits and advances ranging from USD 100,000 up to USD 10m.
    In addition, I was handling the entire corporate and retail banking portfolio for the northern region of the bank. Taken part in the overall business development of the bank and has been a member of the senior think tank team of the bank. Creatively take part in the preparation of the budget and balance sheet of the bank.

    Prepares the various banking policies and also formulates annual business and profit budgets of the bank.

    • Overseeing the Credit portfolio of the entire region.
    • Monitoring of all back office operations of the branches
    • Facilitating office between the branches in the northern region and the corporate office
    • To have operational control over the 16 up country branches to be in tune with the corporate goals
    • Direct monitoring of all operations to see everything is in order
    • Overseeing the IT operations of the branches
    • Providing feedback about the operational issues and market conditions of the region enabling the CO to make decisions.
    • Liaison with the local government bodies
    • Arranging customer meets
    • Resolution of client issues then and there
    • Providing local training to the staff
    • Act as a Public Relations/ Relationship Manager
    • Analysis of the performance to initiate corrective steps under intimation to the corporate office
    • Branch visits to snap check the book keeping and routine operations of the branches
    • Conduct BMs conferences in the region
    • Managing all except matters regarding credit decisions.
    • Responsible for maintaining a cordial industrial relationship
    • Conduct social banking activities to uphold the social corporate responsibility of the bank
    • Conduct local interviews of candidates
    • Valuable contributions towards preparation of annual report/ budget
    • Identify potential places for opening of new branches under the region

  • 1994 - 2008


    Senior Manager May 2006 – Jan 2009
    Canara Bank, MIP&D Section, Circle Office, Trivandrum, India

    • Managing information, planning and developing organizational activities, profit planning for the circle office.
    • Liaising with exchange companies, effectively managing EFT, SEFT, RTGS activities for NRI service centre.
    • Developing information system on the basis of internal and external environment and preparing budget of the circle according to the bank’s objectives and monitoring implementation of the same.
    • Planning goals and targets for branches under various business parameters and implementing various policy matters, directives and guidelines as per the organization goal.
    • Processing and analysing the data / reports received from branches to arrive at critical conclusions and presenting the data before the top management.
    • Reviewing the performance of branches against the set objectives and implementing corrective measures, wherever necessary and assisting top management in management reviews.

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Honors & awards

  • 2007


    • Topper with distinction in MBA degree program in the Wales University and competed all youngsters. • Represented the Kerala Agricultural University in all Kerala Inter University Sporting 89 quiz competition which is conducted by Doordarshan Kendra – Trivandrum and won first prize in the State. • Represented School, College and University in various quiz competitions and won prizes. • In the year 2001 stood second in the region in the written test conducted by Canara bank for promotion to Middle Management Grade – Scale 11. • Cleared promotion test for manager and senior manager post in first attempt • Qualified BSRB, Central Excise Inspector and Agricultural officers’ examination in the first attempt.

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